legrand81 написал :rem273 статья интересная, но вот заметил одну не точность. Джордж Грин вроде как был математик и умер он 31 мая 1841г. так что в 1868 г. ничем помочь не мог. вот.
Однофамилец и тёзка.
The first electric dental drill was invented in 1868 by GEORGE F. GREEN, a mechanic of the S.S. White Company. In 1872, the S.S. White Company put the first electric drill on the market.
Who invented the electric dental drill?
American dentist, George F. Green, from Kalamazoo, Michigan invented the first electric dental drill and received a patent for it on January 26, 1875.
The first electric dental drill was invented in 1868 by GEORGE F. GREEN, a mechanic of the S.S. White Company. In 1872, the S.S. White Company put the first electric drill on the market.
Who invented the electric dental drill?
American dentist, George F. Green, from Kalamazoo, Michigan invented the first electric dental drill and received a patent for it on January 26, 1875.